Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Remembering Lily

This last week it has been two years since we were blessed with our little Lily for such a short time. I'm amazed at how clearly I still remember the feelings and emotions of that week. The pain isn't so raw, but we certainly were forever changed by her and will never forget that time. I never have a day when I don't think of Lily, just as I never have a day when I don't think of any of my other kids. We have lilies and pictures of lilies throughout our home as a reminder of our little angel watching and waiting for us. It's hard not to think of what she would be like now, or how old she would be. We feel so lucky to be able to raise three great kids who bring so much joy into our family. Trevor has certainly brought with him a lot of healing. He can so easily put a smile on any one of our faces.

"How many kids do you have?" is an innocent enough question for most people, but I continue struggle with how to answer it, and dread hearing the question. I tend to answer three to avoid explaining the one we lost, but it hurts a little inside each time to count her out. I delivered our little girl, we held her, named her, and had to bury her all too quickly, but we've had too many experiences confirming her part in our family to not know that she will be ours forever if we do our part. It's amazing how her brief stay in our life helped us to see so much more clearly how blessed we are, and how closely our Father in Heaven watches over us.


How very softly you tiptoed into my world.

Almost silently, only a moment you stayed.

But what an imprint your footsteps have left upon my heart.

--Dorothy Erguson

Death Valley

Ted and I have gone to Death Valley every year in February or March since we were married, and his family has been going since I don't even know when. The common response we get when we say we are going there is, "WHAT is in Death Valley?!" And we pity those poor people who have never experienced it, because when we think of Death Valley, we feel like breaking out and singing.....

because when you go to Death Valley in the middle of the winter, it feels like you have died and gone to HEAVEN. Granted, in the middle of summer, it may feel a little more like you have died and gone to hell. So don't go in summer. My sister Krista refers to our weekend there as "Sports Camp," and that's a pretty good description. The weather is usually close to 80 degrees this time of year. We spend the days swimming in an 80 degree pool, playing tennis, running, playing volleyball, bike riding, hiking, baseball, ultimate frisbee, and any other outdoor activities we can fit in to our bags and our schedule. Oh, and we eat a lot of really good food and may spend a little time lounging in the sun:

And yes, there is writing on JC's stomach. You can ask him for the story.

This year was especially great because my family was there as well (except for Eric's family which stinks because he would LOVE this place)

Along with the whole Paterson clan.

Thanks to Boppa for all the launches he gave Dylan in the pool. (And thanks to Dylan for NOT cracking his head open at this pool like he did at the YMCA a month ago.)

As you can see, Trevor was a natural his first time swimming. Watch out, Micheal Phelps!

This picture doesn't do justice to how great this game was. I will call it Pooltimate frisbee. We basically commandeered half of the pool and played a game of ultimate frisbee in the water with some kind of cloth frisbee that was perfect for it. I could go for some Pooltimate right now.

So the real question is, what ISN'T in Death Valley? (Except Cafe Rio, which we got in Vegas on our way home.)